Unforgiveness is a Prayer Blocker
Many may be wondering why they have not received their healing.
They've prayed and asked for healing; they're confessing healing scriptures over their life and believe what they're confessing.
They've even had mighty prayer warriors lay hands on them...still nothing.
Well, a surefire prayer blocker is unforgiveness.
Jesus said in Mark 11:25, "And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins."
There are many other places in the Word of God that tell us forgiveness is essential. The hair in this clogged drain of this picture represents unforgiveness in your life.
You've prayed your prayer, but unforgiveness is blocking it from reaching the other side to manifest your healing. It doesn't matter what your opinion is about the situation. It doesn't matter what the person did to you.
Jesus has given us a command and if we want what He has, we have to play by His rules. "Well, I just can't forgive them", you might say.
Jesus would not command you to do something you cannot do. He is our perfect example and He did it! If He could forgive the people who took His very life, anything in our lives is of no comparison.
Unforgiveness is a big one!
Healing Misconceptions
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints," Ephesians 1:18
Let us make today the day we determine in our minds that it is never God's will that some people be healed and some not be healed. This is a religious atrocity that has been placed on God through a lie of the devil that sadly many Christians have believed and spread. That would make Him an unjust God.
He says in Isaiah 61:8, "For I, the LORD, love justice. I hate robbery and wrongdoing." That would also make Him a God who has favorites, but Romans 2:11 says, "For God does not show favoritism."
Matthew 12:15 says, "And great multitudes followed Him, and He healed them all." Unbelief is one of many impediments to receiving healing. Matthew 17:19-20 " Then came the disciples to Jesus apart, and said, Why could not we cast him out?
And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief..." Matthew 13:58 "Now He did not do many mighty works there because of their unbelief." We pray for others to be healed and many times they're not.
We have to remember that even in our praying God is not going to override the will of the person we're praying for. Perhaps they're tired and don't want to be healed, but are just ready to go be with Jesus. There are so many variables in why people don't receive healing, but it is never because God did not want them healed.
He sent Jesus to give us abundant life. If we believe that about God, then we nullify who He says He is in His Word. I think many times people don't see it that way, but that is the truth.
God is a healer! No if, ands, or buts about it. The Word says by the stripes of Jesus we were healed. That means healing is already available. Whether a person is healed or not is solely in the hands of the receiver
Divine Health:
It's Part of Your Salvation Package Question:
If I gave you a new car, and someone was trying to take your car from you, wouldn't you fight tooth and nail to keep that car? You would do everything in your power and use all the strength you had to keep that car because it belongs to you. And that's the same thing with our spiritual package that Jesus died to give us.
He died to give us salvation so that we could live with Him forever. He died to give us Divine Health to free us from sickness and disease. He died to give us Divine Prosperity so that we don't have to live in poverty and lack.
Today I want to talk about the Divine Health portion of our salvation package. So many of us are not fighting for what rightfully belongs to us. We get sick and we begin to talk about the sickness and we give it power over us because that's what we're speaking. The Lord told us in His Word that we are to speak those things that be not as though they already were, so even though sickness is in your body, you speak I'm well.
That's not saying that you're ignoring the sickness but that's saying that you deny its right to live in your body. So you're speaking against that because it doesn't belong to you. In Isaiah 53:4-5 this is what it says to us: "Surely He has borne our griefs, (sicknesses, weaknesses, and distresses) and carried our sorrows and pains of punishment.
But He was wounded for our transgressions; He was bruised for our guilt and iniquities; the chastisement needful to obtain peace and well-being for us was upon Him, and with the stripes that wounded Him we are healed and made whole." This is not something that we have to look forward to, this is something that is done! Jesus has done this.
This passage is using past tense. He was wounded, He was bruised, with the stripes that wounded Him, we are healed. So these are things that already belong to us right now, and it's up to us to take hold of those things. How do we do that? By standing on what God says.
For me, just to use myself as an example, when some type of symptom tries to come against me, I speak to the symptom. Jesus told us in Mark 11:24 to speak to the mountain and it would have to move.
So the mountain would be whatever that thing is in your life. If it's a cold, if it's sinuses, if it's a headache, whatever it may be, you speak to it and you tell it in the Name of Jesus it has to leave your body! I made a video on this same topic, and right before I got ready to start filming it a little headache tried to come on me.
I said "Headache you know I'm not putting up with you. In the Name of Jesus, be gone!" And it left. It didn't leave because I said it. It left because of the power in the Name of Jesus that He gave us to stand on His Word, to stand on that truth, and to walk in it, and because He's given the right to us to use His Name.
We have to have confidence in the Name of Jesus. We have to have the confidence that what we speak is going to happen, not because we said it, but because of His Name. The Lord spoke to me once, and He said "You have to have confidence in My ability."
So we have to have confidence in God's ability to do what He said His Word will do. He said in Jeremiah 1:12 that He watches over His Word to perform it. He said in Isaiah 55:11 that His Word will not return to Him void. It will accomplish the thing that He sent it to accomplish. So it's up to us to speak it, but it's not up to us to make it happen.
God is going to make it happen because He stands on His Word. He's a faithful God. He does just what He says He is going to do, and He will make this thing come to pass. But you have to believe that in your heart.
You have to know that when you tell this thing to leave me in the Name of Jesus, it's got to go! And a lot of times it's stubborn. It's not just going to disappear just like that just because you said it or just because you used the Name of Jesus.
As we see in the Gospels when Jesus spoke to these things sometimes - such as with the little boy that the demon was in him, it threw the boy down on the ground and made him have convulsions before he actually came out of the boy. So, demons are stubborn.
They are going to try to stay or do what they want to do, but they know in the final analysis they have to do what God said do. It's up to us to know that as well. We have to get in His Word.
We have to say what He says. We have to stand on that no matter what we see. If I tell a headache to leave me and it doesn't leave, that doesn't mean I give up and say oh well the headache's not going.
The devil is a lie. You're going! I said you're going and you're going! I don't care how many times I have to say that, the headache must leave my body.
Once you get to the point where you're walking in this thing and you're more confident in it, you only have to say it once. It may not leave right then, but it's going to have to leave because you have spoken the Word of God and what you said must stand. So then, what you do at this point is you start praising God.
Thank You Lord I don't have a headache in the Name of Jesus! Thank You Lord that Your Word does what it says. Thank You Lord for giving me authority to speak Your Word over my life and know it's going to do what it says it's going to do! Thank You that I don't have a headache in the Name of Jesus!
Thank you Father! Thank You Father! Thank You Father! And that's how we use what God has given us. It's not easy. It takes a while.
I have been doing this for quite some time, since 2012 - that's eight years ago. And in the beginning I got sick in 2013. I didn't have the knowledge and the expertise that I have in it now. I was standing on the Word by faith, but God was helping me because I didn't know all the things to do.
But as you learn to walk in this, you can speak to the mountain and it has to move. I am a passionate advocate for walking in Divine Health and I want to teach everyone I can how to do the same.
Have you ever wished you had a step-by-step guide on how to forgive others? Luckily, the Bible gives us a pretty good handbook on forgiving others.
When you stand praying, prayer shouldn’t just be for ourselves or our peers. We are also to pray for our leaders in the body of Christ. Leaders are always under scrutiny and pressure to make important decisions. We are to continue praying that they are lead by wisdom of God. For our leaders in the body of Christ we are to pray that the Lord remains the source of their strength and that they will never stray from the call upon their life.
Do Not Doubt; Only Believe!
"But when he saw the strength of the wind, he was afraid, and beginning to sink, cried out, "Lord save me!" Immediately Jesus reached out His hand and took hold of Peter.
"You of little faith, " He said, "why did you doubt?"
Matthew 14:30-31 This is a great example of how many times we take our eyes off of Jesus, the Living Word, before seeing the manifestation of our expected result regarding healing. Allow me to explain. Peter's desired end result was to reach Jesus by walking to Him on the water. He started off well, but he became distracted by the wind and began to pay more attention to it than to Jesus - the One who held the power for him to complete his mission.
That's what happens many times with sickness and disease. So, let's say someone has symptoms of the flu. They begin to pray and confess that by His stripes they are healed. Meanwhile their symptoms begin to intensify.
They may confess the Word a few more times, but because the symptoms do not cease they assume it's not working and they give up. The instances are very rare where someone gets instantaneous healing. Believe me, I speak from experience. Most times you have to fight the good fight of faith and keep speaking the Word to those symptoms until they give up and go back to the abyss where they came from.
The Word tells us we are more than conquerors and we win, but you can't find anywhere in the Word of God where it says your winning will come without a fight. God said in Jeremiah 1:12 that He watches over His Word to perform it. He will do it, but you've got to speak it and speak it and speak it if necessary, as long as it takes - and believe it! Let us build some spiritual fortitude in this faith walk.
Keep your eyes, mouth, and heart on the Word of God and watch Him perform it in your life! It's a guarantee; the question is how long are you willing to stand?
When Jesus saw him lying there, and knew that he already had been in that condition a long time, He said to him, “Do you want to be made well?” John 5:6
After the Lord gave me this scripture and as I went to find my corresponding picture to prepare to write this post, I heard Holy Spirit say within me, 'Sadly that's the question I have for many of My children.'
When He said that, I saw that passage of scripture that I have read so many times before in a totally different way. What was revealed to me in my own words of course is that Jesus was actually saying to the man, look you've been laying here for 38 years waiting for somebody to help you do what you could have already done for yourself.
Yes, I know you're an invalid but in 38 years of time you could have at least scooted yourself to the edge of the pool and the next time the water stirred just rolled yourself into the water. Because you have not at least made that much effort in 38 years I have to wonder do you want to be made well? Valerie Dickson 9-11-19 Sadly, this is the attitude of many.
Well, if somebody won't come along and do it for me then I guess I'll just wait right here until somebody feels sorry for me and helps me. Many have been living their lives with a victim mentality rather than as a victor which is what they really are in Christ because God said so. This man at the pool of Bethesda was not born again.
He didn't have the Spirit of God living in him because Jesus had not yet died and been resurrected, so he had no other choice but to wait once a year for the angel to stir the water. But after someone beat him to the pool that first year, he should have had an action plan and been ready that second year. The saints of God of this day, however, have no excuse. Jesus has long been resurrected and seated at the right hand of the Father.
When He took His seat, He gave us the keys of the kingdom to eternal life, healing, prosperity, deliverance - everything that falls under the curse of the law. His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension bought us a full "redemption package"! Glory Hallelujah!
The same way He told us in the Word how to receive salvation, He told us in the Word how to receive everything else that goes with it! Don't be like the man at the pool. Just like Jesus didn't do the work for him,
He's not going to do the work for you. Jesus didn't listen to the man's excuses, He just said, "Get up! Pick up your mat and walk!" Jesus didn't offer Him a hand to get up; He said you do it! In the same way, He's saying to us, "You do it"! I've already won the victory for you, now all you have to do is act on it! So again, the question is:
Do you want to be made well?